Сценки на День Влюбленных 2025
Когда вода всемирного потопа
Вернулась вновь в границы берегов,
Из пены уходящего потока
На сушу тихо выбралась любовь
И растворилась в воздухе до срока
Над грешною землей материков.
И чудаки еще такие есть,
Вдыхают полной грудью эту смесь,
И ни наград не ждут, не наказанья,
И думая, что дышат просто так,
Они невольно попадают в такт
Такого же неровного дыханья.
Только чувству, словно кораблю,
Долго оставаться на плаву.
Прежде, чем узнать, что я «люблю»-
То же, что «дышу» или «живу».
(В зале включается свет.)
ОНА: Dear Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen, Children and Grown-ups! You are welcome to our party, dedicated to St. Valentine’s Day, which is always held on February 14th and brings us happiness and good luck.
ОН: St. Valentines Day is one из the popular holidays in Europe and America. It is the day, when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office stuff, exchange greetings из affections, undying love, or satirical comment.
OHA: Женская любовь и обаяние всегда вдохновляли мужчин на великие подвиги и дерзания. Cила всегда покорялась красоте. Александр Македонский сказал: «Если бы я был женщиной, я бы покорил весь мир». Но мир он не покорил, так как был мужчиной.
ОН: No one really knows the actual origin из Saint Valentine’s Day. I think it has its roots in several different legends that have found their way through the ages. We know that Valentine was a priest in Rome a long time ago. He was a very good priest and many people liked him.
OHA: Легенда гласит, что в 269 году римская армия испытывала острый недостаток солдат для военных походов. Тогдашний император Клавдий II справедливо счел, что исполнять воинский долг мужчинам мешают брачные и любовные узы и запретил обряд венчания. Однако один священник — Валентин — продолжал тайно освящать союзы влюбленных. Когда беззаконие было обнаружено, священника бросили в тюрьму и приговорили к смертной казни. Именно 14 февраля он принял мученическую смерть. А позже был канонизирован и причислен к лику святых. С тех пор влюбленные почитают Святого Валентина и считают его своим заступником.
(Учащиеся разыгрывают сценку.)
This is the legend из how St. Valentine’s Day began. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marrying made men want to stay at home instead из fighting wars. But at that time there was a kindly hearted priest named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couple was truly in love, he married them secretly.
Priest: My daughter! My son! I declare you husband and wife!
Guide1: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death!
Guide 2: To prison! To Tower!
Priest: What a beautiful girl!
Jailer: Yes, this is my daughter. But my poor girl is blind!
Priest: I want so much to restore her sight. God, help me!
Girl: Oh, miracle! I can see!
Just before his death, on February 14th, he sent her a farewell massage signed “From your Valentine”.
ОН: Another story is that February 14 is the day when birds choose their mates and start building the nest, so people also choose the ones they love on that day.
ОНА: Most European countries and the USA celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day. They have special customs to observe on that day. This is the time to tell your loved ones how you love them. People write postcards to each other. Congratulations can be made in either serious or joyous manner.
ОН: That’s why post and postcards have become a specific symbol из this day. There was a post in our school too. # students and # teachers got love letters from secret admirers.
ОНА: Do you know what story is in the center из the festival из lovers? Sure, it is the story из Cupid, the little god из love. Now we are going to tell it to you.
STUDENT 1: Cupid is the god из love. He is a small baby with magic arrows. His mother, the goddess из love gave them to Cupid and he plays with them, just like every baby would play with his toys.
STUDENT 2: Cupid likes to make people fall in love. But he is only a baby, so he is not very smart and does not know how to choose right people.
STUDENT 1: You see, Cupid shoots his magic arrows into someone’s heart. Then that person falls in love with the next person he or she sees.
STUDENT 2: But Cupid often forgets to shoot the arrow into the other person’s heart. Then, sometimes, the other person does not love the first person.
STUDENT 1: Cupid makes a lot из trouble this way. That’s why people from the old days have been trying to remind Cupid to shoot his arrows the right way. And the best way for that is poetry and songs из love. In many countries people invented special rhymes which they call charms and spells из love.
ОНА: Dear guests, can you remember any из Valentine’s rhymes or poems? Any language is possible. You’re very welcome!
Чтоб в десятом, извиняюсь,
Втрескаться, как шпингалет?
Я не в пятом классе, знаю,
Что любви на свете нет!
Да вы что, какие муки?
Просто с ней наедине
Мне мой голос, имя, руки-
Все не нравится во мне!
Как при ней мне выше ростом
Быть охота и сильней!..
Не любовь, нет, нет, а просто,
Черт какой-то тянет к ней!
Г. Бязырев
You have a dimple in your cheek,
Many hearts you will seek.
A dimple on your chin,
Many hearts you will win.
“Good morrow to you, valentine,
Curl your lock as I do mine,
Two before and three behind.
Good morrow , Valentine.
If you love me , love me true,
Send me a ribbon, and let it be blue;
If you hate me, let it be seen,
Send me a ribbon, and let it be green.
The moon shines bright,
The stars give a light,
And you may kiss a pretty girl
At 10 o’clock at night
If you love me, pop and fly,
If you hate me, lay and die.”
“Oh, good St. Faith, be kind tonight,
And bring to me my heart’s delight.”
The moon shines bright,
The stars give a light,
And you may kiss a pretty girl
At 10 o’clock at night.
Сугробы, сумерки, мороз-
Зимы привычная картина…
Но это море нежных грез,
И сладких слез, и алых роз?..
Дары Святого Валентина!
ОН: Oh, oh! So poetic! Pretty girls, kisses! Sweet and honey! Hey, who wants to read my poem? (Вызывается учащийся из зала и читает стихотворение)
Я люблю свою лошадку,
Расчешу ей шерстку гладко.
Гребешком приглажу хвостик
И верхом поеду в гости!
ОН: Isn’t it about love? And never mind that it is in Russian! Love is love in any language! You can feel the passion to the horsy even if the poem would be without words! Will you try and show the rhyme? (Вызывается ученица из зала и вместе с учеником показывают стихотворение)
ОНА: OK, let it be! I also know a beautiful “poem” but in Russian too. Will you try and show my rhyme?
(Вызывается ученица из зала и вместе с учеником показывают стихотворение)
Уронили мишку на пол,
Оторвали мишке лапу,
Все равно его не брошу,
Потому что он — хороший!
ОНА: St. Valentine Day, February 14, has been a day customary for choosing sweethearts. So we also wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day! We ask all the participants to take their places! (звучит музыка, выходят 3 девушки и 3 юноши) Let me introduce them: … .
ОН: Well, let’s start our contest for the Best Valentine Couple из 2007.Please, draw a portrait из your boyfriend. (девочкам завязывают глаза и немного раскручивают)
Contest 1
We’ll see how good you are at literature and art. Now, you must match the famous couples. Time — 2 minutes.
John Lennon
Rat Buttler
Sophia Loren
N. Chavchavadse
Carlo Ponti
Scarlet O’Hara
Don Hose
ОНА: Well, the first contest is over. Now, we have only two couples.
Contest 2
The second task is to read the card carefully and scramble the words. Time — 3 minutes.
ОН: Well, well. Lucky you are! You are the Best Valentine Couple из 2007! Our congratulations!!!
Let’s see if your match is made in heaven, moderately compatible, or heading for disaster.
Contest 3
Love Test (проводится по правилам игры “Любовь с первого взгляда”: один участник пишет
ответ на вопрос, другой — отвечает вслух; затем меняются)
Он: We want to warn you: this Questionnaire should be used by trained professionals only, attempted use by the untrained may result in painful injury … or worse. We can take no responsibility for such madness!
Она: Get out your pens and paper, it’s time to put your romantic relationship to the test!
What do you consider a romantic nigh out?
Dinner at a restaurant, then dancing.
Sporting event.
Picnic on the beach and then a walk by the water.
How often should you send your lover flowers?
Once a week.
Once a month.
Once a year.
How would you like your lover to propose to you?
Horse-and-carriage ride in central park.
With a singing telegram.
At your parents house on one knee.
What do you consider romantic music?
What do you find more relaxing?
Drink and soft music.
Bubble bath.
Where would you like to go on your honey-moon?
An island.
How many times a week would you like to make love?
Where would you prefer to make love?
Backseat из a car.
Hot tub.
In front из a fireplace.
7-9 same answers: match made in heaven
4-6 same answers: moderately compatible
0-3 same answers: heading for disaster
ОН: Our congratulations! You are the King and the Queen из our party! Welcome everybody!!!